How many guests can a homeowner/member bring in for the Recreation Center?

Each property allows for up to 16 guests/day maximum.  Lodging guests over the age of 4 with a guest card are provided access with a $10 guest fee, which is not included with any rental agreement or agency.  Members are also allowed to have up to 16 visitors/day, but with no charge.

What amenities are open year-round?

The Lap Pool, Hot Tubs, Fitness Center, and Game Room are available year-round.  The Tennis/Pickleball courts, Basketball court, Bocce Ball court, and Playground are available weather permitting.

The Main Pool, Splash Pad, Kiddie Pool, and weather permitting amenities are available during the Summer.

How much is the annual Assessment for NPOA?

Starting for the calendar year 2025, the annual Assessment for NPOA is $1,700 that comes due on January 1, and becomes late February 1.

How do I change information on my property?

You can change your information about your property by contacting the NPOA office at (530) 562-0322.  Changing your address on your account within the Resident Portal does not update your address for mailings, please contact the NPOA office if you would like your mailing address updated.

How can I pay dues online?

Homeowners can pay their annual assessments through the AAB payment portal, which can be located here or the ‘make a payment’ link in the top left hand corner of our website.

Any other questions can be submitted here: